Encyclopedia of world biography gale 1998 honda

Encyclopedia of world biography book

According to its introduction, EWB was designed to meet the needs of "students in classrooms and in school, college, and public libraries," and contained approximately 5, biographies of .

encyclopedia of world biography gale 1998 honda

Encyclopedia of world biography gale 1998 honda

Entries offer an in-depth biographical essay approximately 2, words in length, as well as a bibliographic section, which may include books, periodicals, or online sites to consult for .

Encyclopedia of world biography gale 1998 honda civic

Encyclopedia of world biography by Paula K. Byers, , Gale, Gale Research Inc edition, in English - 2nd ed.

Encyclopedia of world biography gale 1998 honda accord
Encyclopedia of world biography by Gale Research Company., , Gale, Gale Research Inc edition, in English - 2.